Navigate Arcade Lotto Smart wallet Interface
Your Wallet Address
Once connected, your wallet address will be displayed here.
Copy Wallet Address
Allows instant copying of your wallet address to the clipboard for internal or external use.
View Wallet Address on Block Explorer
Opens up wallet address on the current chain's block explorer.
Private Key
If you signed-in using a social account, your Private Key will be visible here. Using your Private Key, you can access any web3 non-custodial wallet setup like MetaMask, TORUS, etc. Please never share your Private Key with anyone. Sharing your Private Key with anyone else will grant them access to your wallet and funds.
Unique Username
Your unique username that you can set when you first participate in any pool displayed here.
Copy referral Link
Allows instant copying of your unique referral link to be shared via social media or instant messaging platforms with your friends and contacts.
Referral Log
A detailed list of all the users who have used your referral link.
Claim Pool & Referral Rewards Here
Allows you to collect all claimable winning rewards earned from Jackpot Junction Pools and Mega Referral Draw.
Wallet Interface Info
More info on wallet interface.
Add Funds
A list of ramps that you can use to buy and add assets to your wallet address.
Transfers assets between wallets or to an exchange that you prefer.
Sell Funds
A list of off-ramps for you to choose from to sell your assets directly to your bank.
Displays the crypto assets currently in your wallet.
Displays transaction history of your wallet.
Pixel Points
Displays your Pixel Points attained by participation in pools.
Account Signed-In
Informs you of the type of account you have used to sign-in to the Arcade Lotto platform.
Allows user to disconnect current connected wallet from the Arcade Lotto platform.
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